If booking in advance you can contact us by phone or e-mail.

Your booking is guaranteed if you pay 20% accommodation price in advance.

1. Off-peak period          (ian. 5– jun. 15  and  sept. 16– dec. 20 )


The price off the pension Soháztur for a year 2009 .

2. High season(jun.16–sept. 15 )


4. Preferences       


· Group

1 to 5 night


10 E/pers./night



 above 5 night


8 E/pers./night


 above 5 night


 10 E/pers./night

1 to 5 night


12 E/pers./night


1 to 5 night


15 E/pers./night


above 5 night    


10 E/pers./night


3. Dec. 25 to  ian. 5